KARMA l89 of them all as it only slightly affects the Inner Man directly. Actions are effects of our past thinking and desires, and their karma is for the most part exhausted in their happening, though they affect us indirectly by giving rise to fresh thoughts and desires. The spinning of this thread brings into our destiny outward happiness or outward misery. As a man has made people physically happy or physically miserable, so will he reap karmically from his action favourable or unfavourable physical circumstances, con- ducive to physical happiness or physical suffering. His nearest circumstance, the expression of his past activity, is his physical body, and this is shaped for him according to the mould of the etheric double, as explained before. Wisdom in the present life is the result of experiences in past lives, while conscience is similarly built of painful experiences in the past. Thus the reaction of our thoughts on ourselves is the building of character and of faculties ; the reaction of desires on ourselves is the gaining of opportunities, of objects and of power, making us (lucky ' or * unlucky ) as the case may be; the reaction of our activities on our- selves is our environment, the conditions and circum- stances, the friends and enemies that surround us. Two parts of our karma we bring with us, our thought-nature and desire-nature; the third part we are born into, our environment, including our physical body. We are what we are because of our past thoughts, desires and actions, there being no favouritism in Nature. With this idea properly grasped, envy and resentment become impossible, and we cease the useless swearing at fate. We reap in this life as we sowed in the past; as we are now sowing, so shall we reap in the future ; and as we are now spinning, so shall our cord of fate be for future